Тренировочные упражнения. Сравнительная конструкция с союзом AS…AS. Начальный уровень. Elementary

Оглавление —> Все о прилагательных —> Части речи —> Все тренировочные упражнения с прилагательными

Каждое, даже самое незначительное, на первый взгляд, грамматическое правило необходимо отработать до полного автоматизма в тренировочных упражнениях. Знать и понимать грамматические правила вовсе не означает, что вы умеете ими свободно пользоваться. Начинать всегда надо с самого простого, с английских несложных предложений, в которых предложения построены по правилу, которое предполагается отработать.

Займемся сравнительными конструкциями. Напоминаю, что их всего три. Первая сравнительная конструкция с союзом: AS…AS, вторая сравнительная конструкция с союзом:THAN , и, наконец, третья конструкция с определенными артиклями: THE…THE… .

Давайте рассмотрим первую сравнительную конструкцию с союзом AS…AS.

Переведите следующие утвердительные (+) предложения и поставьте их в отрицательную (-) и вопросительную (?) формы.

Существует четыре модели в первой и второй сравнительной конструкции, поэтому я разделила предложения на четыре группы: A,B,C,D.

Можно выполнять упражнение устно и письменно, но устная речь предпочтительней. Само собой разумеется, следует понимать смысл английских предложений, но они очень простые и затруднений не предвидится.

А. Если сравниваются разные объекты.

1. This problem is as serious as the others.

2. John was as sensitive as a girl.

3. These sisters are as beautiful as their mother.

4. He is as witty as his brother.

5. My grandfather was as brave as a lion.

6. The sun is as hot as fire.

7. They are as careful as their brother.

8. The sea is as blue as the sky.

9. The film is as interesting as the book.

10. This child is as shy as a mouse.

11. The air is as fresh here as at the seaside.

12. Her heart felt as heavy as lead.

13. These stories are as funny as anecdotes.

14. My father is as busy as a bee.

15. Her grandmother was as poor as a church mouse.

16. Her voice was as clear as the bell.

17. These flowers are as bright as a butterfly.

18. His reading is as bad as his phonetics.

19. Her skin was as white as snow.

20. This man is as blind as a bat.

B. Если сравниваются одинаковые объекты с указательными местоимениями:this/that; these/those;

1. This question is as difficult as that one.

2. These rooms are as large as those ones.

3. This boy is as tall as that one.

4. This road is as long as that one.

5. These books are as boring as that ones.

6. This garden is as beautiful as that one.

7. Their new flat is as comfortable as the old one.

8. These boys are as lazy as those ones.

9. This box was as heavy as that one.

10. This skirt is as short as that one.

11. This path was as narrow as that one.

12. This man is as strong as the tall one.

13. This forest is as thick as that one.

14. These texts are as easy as those ones.

15. These apples are as sweet as those ones.

16. These rooms are as dark as those ones.

17. Your new dress is as long as the old one.

18. The red pencil is as hard as the green one.

19. The long road is as dirty as the short one.

20. This stuff is as good as that one.

C. Если определителем сравниваемых существительных является притяжательные местоимения. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений.

1. My mother is as old as yours.

2. Her hair is as fair as mine.

3. Your neighbours were as nice as ours.

4. His father was as famous as hers.

5. Their children are as noisy as yours.

6. Her jacket is as warm as mine.

7. Their mistakes were as bad as yours.

8. His hands are as little as hers.

9. Your story is as funny as his.

10. Our lessons are as interesting as theirs.

11. Their luggage was as heavy as ours.

12. His marks are as excelllent as mine.

13. Their work is as difficult as yours.

14. His voice is as deep as hers.

15. Her singing is as sweet as yours.

16. Their family is as large as yours.

17. Your rooms are as light as his.

18. Our garden is as lovely as theirs.

19. Our answers are as ready as theirs.

20. Her welcome was as hearty as his.

D. Если есть притяжательный падеж существительных.

1. His work is as interesting as his father’s.

2. My task was as easy as my sister’s.

3. Your rooms are as light as your parents’.

4. Her hair is as long as her mother’s.

5. Our flat is as comfortable as your friend’s.

6. His eyes are as black as his brother’s.

7. Their apple-trees are as big as their neighbours’.

8. His library ia as rich as his friend’s.

9. Her smile is as pleasant as her sister’s.

10. Our work is as important as their friend’s.

11. Her days are as busy as her husband’s.

12. His health was as good as her wife’s.

13. Her eyes are as sad as her mother’s.

14. My watch is as new as my friend’s.

15. His beard is as long as his brother’s.

16. His face is as noble as his father’s.

17. My pronunciation is as good as my teacher’s.

18. Her children are as liitle as her sister’s.

19. His dog is as big as his father’s.

20. Her voice is as deep as her mother’s.