Тренировочные упражнения. Сравнительная конструкция AS…AS. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть вторая

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Теперь потренируемся отвечать на вопросы с отрицанием. Напоминаю, что в сравнительных конструкциях с союзами AS…AS и союзом THAN есть четыре самых распространенных модели: A, B, C, D.

A. Если сравниваются два разных объекта.

Model. Is he not so not so cowardly as a hare? — No, he is not. He is not so cowardly as a hare. He is as brave as a lion.

1. Are the cats not so clever as the dogs?

2. Is it not so cold today as yesterday?

3. Was she not so as beautiful as her mother?

4. Is your friend not so tall as his father?

5. Are the lessons not so interesting as the lectures.

6. Are the gilrs not so brave as boys?

7. Is the film not so interesting as the book?

8. Are the flats not so comfortable as houses?

9. Was the evening not so damp as the morning?

10. Are they not so busy as you?

B. Если сравниваются одинаковые объекты с указательными местоимениями: this / that и these/ those.

Model. Is this path not so narrow as that one? — No, it is not. This path is not so narrow as that one. This path is narrower than that one.

1. Is this rule not so difficult as the previous one?

2. Is this road not so long as that one?

3. Are these rooms not so dark as those ones?

4. Was this flat not so comfortable as that one?

5. Is this apple not so sweet as that one?

6. Are these pictures not so beautiful as those ones?

7. Is this trunk not so heavy as that one?

8. Is the red pencil not so hard as the green one?

9. Is this puppy not so big as that one?

10. Are these tasks not so easy as those ones?

C. Если сравниваются одинаковые объекты с притяжательными местоимениями.

Model. Is their flat not so as comfortable as yours? — No, it is not. Their flat is not so comfortable as mine. My flat is more comfortable than theirs.

1. Are your days not so busy as his?

2. Are ours answers not so ready as theirs?

3. Is his welcome not so hearty as hers?

4. Is your house not so far as his?

5. Is his family not so large as mine?

6. Are their children not so noisy as ours?

7. Is her task not so difficult as mine?

8. Was his library not so rich as hers?

9. Is our garden not so beautiful as theirs?

10. Was her father not so famous as his?

D. Если сравниваются объекты с существительными в притяжательном падеже.

Model. Was my task not so difficult as his wife’s? — No, it was not. Your task was not so difficult as his wife’s. His wife’s task was more difficult than yours.

1. Are our apple-trees not so big as our neighours’?

2. Are their rooms not so light as their parents’?

3. Is her hair not so long as her mother’s?

4. Is his dog not so big as his father’s?

5. Was her health not so good as her husband’s?

6. Are the boy’s marks not so excellent as his sister’s?

7. Are your children not so polite as your friend’s?

8. Are your days not so busy as your husband’s?

9. Is his work not so important as his wife’s?

10. Is their library not so rich as their parents’?

В следующих предложениях заполните пропуски союзами: “as … as” или “so … as”.

1. His voice was … disagreeable … his face.

2. Your ring is not … expensive … mine.

3. Her face is … pleased … the face of the woman at the gate.

4. Relatives are never … good … friends.

5. Your sister is … pink and white … a milkmaid.

6. The sea was not … blue … the sky.

7. The king is … black … ebony.

8. Their flat is not … comfortable … ours.

9. The Sphinx is … old … the world.

10. This stuff is not … good .. that one.

11. No one is … pretty … my wife.

12. Your friend was … kind to me … you.

13. She is not … clever … her friend.

14. I am going to be … good .. my grand father.

15. In all the country there is no garden … lovely … his.

Напишу правильные ответы и переведу предложения на русский язык.

1. His voice was as disagreeable as his face. = Его голос был таким же хмурым, как и его лицо.

2. Your ring is not so expensive as mine. = Твое колечко не такое дорогое, как мое.

3. Her face was as pleased as the face of the woman at the gate. = Ее лицо было таким же довольным, как и лицо женщины, стоящей у ворот.

4. Relatives are never so good as friends. = Родственники никогда не бывают такими же хорошими, как друзья.

5. Your sister is as pink and white as a milkmaid. = Твоя сестра такая же розовощекая, как и молочница.

6. The sea was not so blue as the sky. = Море не было таким синим, как небо.

7. The king is as black as ebony. = Король — черный, как смоль.

8. Their flat is not so comfortable as ours. = Их квартира не такая удобная, как наша.

9. The Sphinx is as old as the world. = Сфинкс такой же древний, как и мир.

10. This stuff is not so good as that one. = Этот материал не такой хороший, как тот.

11. No one is so pretty as my wife. = Никто не сравнится с моей женой по красоте. Никого нет такого же симпатичного, как моя жена.

12. Your friend was as kind to me as you. = Твой друг был так же любезен со мной, как и ты.

13. She is not so clever as her friend. = Она не такая же сообразительная, как ее подруга.

14. I am going to be as good as my grandfather. = Я буду таким же хорошим, как мой дед.

15. In all the country there is no garden so lovely as his. = Нет сада во всей округе такого же красивого, как его сад.