Тренировочные упражнения. Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Начальный уровень. Elementary. Часть первая


Начинаем привыкать к новой, только что освоенной глагольной форме: Present Perfect Continuous Tense , поэтому начинаем с самых простых упражнений. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени. Переведите предложения.

1. We ( to look for) the key everywhere since morning, but can’t find it.

2. We are very tired because we’ve been walking round the town all day.

3. The children (to do) their homework for half an hour.

4. I (to live) here since 1995.

5. This text is very difficult for me. I (to translate) it for two hours, but it isn’t quite finished yet.

6. The cat ( to sit) in front of the fire since noon.

7. He already (to wait) for a letter from his sister for a month, but hasn’t received it yet.

8. I (to look) at this picture for five minutes, but I can’t find you in it.

9. It ( to snow) since yesterday.

10. I (to try) to get in touch with them for a long time , but now I’ve given it up as hopeless.

11. Look! The light ( to burn) all night.

12. Wake up! You already (to sleep) for ten hours.

13. I know you (to talk) about grammar for the last half an hour, but I am afraid I (not to listen).

14. He ( stand) here in the rain for half an hour.

15. This pupil ( to learn) English for three years, but he can’t even read a newspaper yet.

16. I am cold because I ( to swim) for an hour.

17. Nobody has come to see us since we ( to live) in our new house.

18. What you ( to do) while I have been out? We ( to sit) here writing our homework, but it’s not quite finished yet.

19. My uncle ( to work) at the factory for twenty years.

20. They are tired because they ( to work) in the garden since early morning.

21. The weather is fine today. The sun ( to shine) ever since we got up.

22. My sister ( to speak) over the telephone long enough. It is time for her to stop talking.

23. Dinner isn’t quite ready yet, although I ( to cook) all the morning.

24. Ann should stop working so much; she has got a headache because she ( to read) too long.

25. This student ( to work) hard at his English all the time and has already made great progress.

Я раскрою скобки и поставлю глаголы в нужное время, а также переведу все предложения, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. We have been looking for the key everywhere since morning, but can’t find it. = Мы с утра везде ищем ключ, но не можем его найти.

2. We are very tired because we’ve been walking round the town all day. = Мы очень устали, потому что весь день ходили по городу.

3. The children have been doing their homework for half an hour. = Дети уже полчаса делают уроки.

4. I’ve been living here since 1995. = Я живу здесь с 1995 года.

5. This text is very difficult for me. I’ve been translating it for two hours, but it isn’t quite finished yet. = Этот текст для меня очень трудный. Я перевожу его уже два часа, но он еще не совсем закончен.

6. The cat has been sitting in front of the fire since noon. = Кот сидит перед огнем с полудня.

7. He has already been waiting for a letter from his sister for a month, but hasn’t received it yet. = Он уже целый месяц ждет письмо от своей сестры, но еще его не получил.

8. I’ve been looking at the picture for five minutes, but I can’t find you in it. = Я разглядываю фотографию уже пять минут, но не могу тебя на ней найти.

9. It has been snowing since yesterday. = Со вчерашнего дня идет снег.

10. I’ve been trying to get in touch with them for a long time, but now I’ve given it up as hopeless. = У уже давно пытаюсь связаться с ними, но сейчас я уже оставил это безнадежное дело.

11. Look! The light has been burning all night. = Смотри! Всю ночь горит свет.

12. Wake up! You have already sleeping for ten hours. = Просыпайся! Ты спишь уже десять часов.

13. I know you have been talking about grammar for the last half an hour, but I am afraid I haven’t been listening. = Знаю, что ты говоришь о грамматике последние полчаса, но боюсь, я тебя не слушаю.

14. He has been standing here in the rain for half an hour. = ОН уже полчаса стоит здесь под дождем.

15. This pupil has been learning English for three years, but he can’t even read a newspaper yet. = Этот ученик учит английский язык уже три года, но не может даже прочитать газету.

16. I am cold because I have been swimming for an hour. = Я замерз потому что я уже целый час плаваю.

17. Nobody has come to see us since we have been living in our new house. = С тех пор как мы живем в нашем новом доме, еще никто нас не навестил.

18. What have you been doing while I have been out? — We have been sitting here writing our homework , but it isn’t quite finished yet. = Чем вы тут занимаетесь, пока меня не было? — Мы здесь сидим и пишем домашнее задание, но оно еще не закончено.

19. My uncle has been working at the factory for twenty years. = Мой дядя работает на заводе двадцать лет.

20. They are tired because they have been working in the garden since early morning. = Они устали, так как они с раннего утра работают в саду.

21. The weather is fine today. The sun has been shining ever since we got up. = сегодня прекрасная погода. С того момента, как мы встали светит солнце.

22. My sister has been speaking over the telephone long enough. It is time for her to stop talking. = Моя сестра уже слишком долго говорит по телефону. Пора ей перестать болтать.

23. Dinner isn’t quite ready yet, although I have been cooking all morning. = Обед еще не готов, хотя я стряпаю все утро.

24. Ann should stop working so much; she has got a headache because she has been reading too long. = Анне надо перестать так много работать; у нее уже болит голова, потому что она очень много читает.

25. This student has been working at his English all the time and has already made great progress. = Этот студент все время занимается английским и уже добился больших успехов.