Тренировочные упражнения. Passive Voice. Начальный уровень. Elementary. Часть третья

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Начальный уровень тренировки предполагает умение ставить глаголы в пассивный залог в соответствующем времени. Это умение надо довести до автоматизма, поэтому тренировочных предложений должно быть не просто много , а очень много.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в страдательный залог. О глагольном времени пока не надо беспокоиться -оно обозначено рядом. Переведите пассивные конструкции на русский язык.

1. The piano ( to play) far too loudly. Past Contonuous

2. When the matter ( to discuss)? Future Indefinite

3. Now the patient’s temperature ( to take) every two hours. Present Indefinite

4. Where the newspapers and journals (to sell)? Present Indefinite

5. They ( not to pay) for their work. Past Indefinite

6. When the manager came the letter still ( to type). Past Continuous.

7. You ( to meet) at the station tomorrow? Future Indefinite

8. The work ( not to finish) yet. Present Perfect

9. They ( to return) all the books yesterday? Past Indefinite

10. The article beautifully (to write). Present Perfect

11. The results of examination ( not to know) for two months. Present Perfect

12. His pictures ( to show) in the museum now. Present Continuous

13. He ever ( tell) about it? Present Perfect

14. He saw that table (to push) into the corner. Past Perfect

15. The stolen car never (to find). Present Perfect

16. The book ( to publish) next month? Future Indefinite

17. I am sure your voice ( to hear) in the next room. Past Indefinite

18. He (not to recognize) lately. Present Perfect

19. The children ( to allow) to go to the river? Past indefinite

20. The carpet ( not to clean) yet. Present Perfect

21. Your question ( to answer)? Present Perfect

22. After she ( to examine) by a doctor , she went home. Past Perfect

23. The door already ( to shut). Present Perfect

24. What ( to do) about this? Present Perfect

25. My sister ( to teach) to play the piano at a music school. Past Indefinite

26. His new book ( to publish) next year. Future Indefinite

27. The children ( not to allow) to swim in the river today. Present Perfect

28. Our city often (to visit) by foreign guests. Present Indefinite

29. Progress ( to make) every day in the world of science. Present Indefinite

30. The chickens (not to feed) this morning. Past Indefinite

31. The light in the hall already ( to turn off). Present Perfect

32. You ( to invite) to the party, too? Present Perfect

33. She said that the new timetable ( to hang up) on the notice board. Past Perfect

34. This boy often ( to punish) for misbehaving. Present Indefinite

35. When the Tower of London once ( to use) as a prison? Past Indefinite

36. By four o’ clock everything already ( to prepare). Past Perfect

37. Some water ( to spill) on the carpet. Present Perfect

38. Hats and coats usually ( to leave) in the cloak room. Present Indefinite

39. The floor in the classroom ( to sweep) now. Present Continuous

40. Why the dog ( to leave) in the garden? Past Indefinite

Я раскрою скобки, поставлю глаголы в страдательный залог и переведу предложения на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The piano was being played far too loudly. = На пианино играли слишком громко.

2. When will the matter be discussed? = Когда будут обсуждать этот вопрос?

3. Now the patient’s temperature is taken every two hours. = Теперь каждые два часа у пациента измеряют температуру.

4. Where are the newspapers and journals sold? = Где продают газеты и журналы?

5. They weren’t paid for their work. = Им не заплатили за работу.

6. When the manager came the letter was still being typed. = Когда пришел директор, письмо все еще печатолось.

7. Will you be met at the station tomorrow? = Вас завтра встретят на станции?

8. The work hasn’t been finished yet. = Эта работа еще не закончена.

9. Were they returned all the book yesterday? = Им вчера вернули все книги?

10. The article has beautifully been written. = Статья была прекрасно написана.

11. The results of examination haven’t been known for two months. = О результатах экзаменов не было известно два месяца.

12. His pictures are being shown in the museum now. = Его картины сейчас показывают в музее.

13. Has he ever been told about it? = Ему когда-нибудь рассказывали об этом.

14. He saw that the table had been pushed into the corner. = Он увидел, что стол был задвинут в угол.

15. The stolen car has never been found. = Украденную машину так никогда и не нашли.

16. Will the book be published next month? = Эта книга будет опубликована в следующем месяце?

17. I am sure your voice was heard in the next room. = Я уверен, что твой голос был слышен в соседней комнате.

18. He hasn’t been recognized lately. = За последнее время его не узнавали.

19. Were the children be allowed to go to the river? = Детям разрешили идти на речку?

20. The carpet hasn’t been cleaned yet. = Ковер еще не чистили.

21. Has your question been answered? = Ответили ли на ваш вопрос?

22. After she had been examined by a doctor, she went home. = После того, как ее осмотрел доктор, она пошла домой.

23. The door has already been shut. = Дверь уже закрыли.

24. What has been done about this? = Что было по этому поводу сделано?

25. My sister was taught to play the piano at a music school. = Мою сестру научили играть на пианино в музыкальной школе.

26. His new book will be published next year. = В будущем году его книга будет опубликована.

27. The children weren’t allowed to swim in the river today. = Сегодня детям не разрешили плавать в речке.

28. Our city is often visited by foreign guests. = Наш город часто посещается иностранными гостями.

29. Progress is made every day in the world of science. = Мир науки развивается с каждым днем.

30. The chickens weren’t fed this morning. = Цыплят утром не покормили.

31.The light in the hall has already been turned off. = Свет в коридоре уже выключили.

32. Have you been invited to the party, too? = Вас тоже пригласили на вечеринку?

33. She said that the new timetable had been hung up on the notice board. = Она сказала, что на доске объявлений повесили новое расписание.

34. This boy is often punished for misbehaving. = Этого мальчика часто наказывают за плохое поведение.

35. When was the Tower of London once used as a prison? = Когда Лондонский Тауэр использовали в качестве тюрьмы?

36. By four o’clock everything had already been prepared. = К четырем часам все уже было готово.

37. Some water has been spilt on the carpet. = На ковер пролили немного воды.

38. Hats and coats are usually left in the cloak room. = Шляпы и пальто обычно оставляют в гардеробной комнате.

39. The floor in the classroom is being swept now. = Сейчас подметают пол в классной комнате.

40. Why was the dog left in the garden? = Почему собаку оставили в саду?