Тренировочные упражнения. Future Continuous Tense. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть первая


Можно провести параллель между всеми глагольными формами группы Continuous. Их объединяют общие правила: это продолжительность действия и период, то есть, некий отрезок времени, в котором и продолжается, продолжалось и будет продолжаться действие. Это самый простейший подход к пониманию времен группы Continuous. Но при дальнейшем внимательном рассмотрении каждой глагольной формы выясняется, что каждое времен группы Continuous приобретает дополнительные черты и особенности.

Средний уровень тренировочных упражнений предполагает, что учащийся уже ориентируется в данном разделе грамматики, и может образовывать простейшие предложения.

Exercise 1. Перед вами предложения в Present Continuous Tense. Преобразуйте их в будущее продолженное время Future Continuous Tense. Вы можете пользоваться маячками, которые написаны в скобках.

1. Please be quite. The children are sleeping. ( if you return home at midnight)

2. What are you doing? ( in ten years’ time)

3. Have your heard about John? He is building a new house. ( next year)

4. The children are doing their homework now ( after dinner)

5. Don’t bother me, please. I am working. ( all next week)

6. What are you reading? ( this evening)

7. Look! It’s snowing. (when you come back)

8. I’m still mending the chair. ( all evening)

9. My mother is speaking on the phone at the moment. ( for at least another three hours)

10. Hurry up! I’m waiting for you. ( at the usual time)

11. We are listening to you. ( at the concert tomorrow)

12. Where is your granny? She is making tea in the kitchen. (about then)

13. He’s travelling to London now. ( all night)

14. I’m doing the washing now. ( tomorrow morning)

15. Don’t disturb them. They are having their English. (from 4 till 6)

16. Who are you writing to these letters? ( after supper)

17. Look! Ann is swimming in the sea. ( this time next week)

18. Listen! Mary is playing the violin. ( at the concert this evening)

19. Why are you wearing your best clothes? ( tomorrow evening)

20. What are you laughing at? ( when he shows these pictures)

Я переделаю вышенаписанные предложения в Future Continuous Tense и переведу их, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The children will be sleeping if you return home at midnight. = Дети уже будут спать, если ты вернешься домой в полночь.

2. What will you be doing in ten years’ time? = Что бы будешь делать через десять лет?

3. John wil be building a new house next year. = Джон будет строить дом в следующем году.

4. The children will be doing their homework after dinner. = Дети будут делать уроки после обеда.

5. I shall be working all next week. = Всю следующую неделю я буду работать.

6. What will be you reading this evening? = Что ты будешь читать сегодня вечером?

7. It will be snowing when you are coming back. = Будет идти снег когда ты будешь возвращаться домой.

8. I will be mending the chair all evening. = Я буду ремонтировать этот стул весь вечер.

9. My mother will be speaking on the phone for at least another three hours. = Моя мама будет говорить по телефону еще по крайней мере три часа.

10. I shall be waiting for you at the usual time. = Я буду ждать тебя в обычное время.

11. We shall be listening to you at the concert tomorrow. = Мы будем слушать тебя на концерте завтра.

12. My granny will be making tea in the kitchen about then. = Моя бабушка будет заваривать чай на кухне приблизительно в это время.

13. He will be travelling to London all night. = Он будет ехать в Лондон всю ночь.

14. I will be doing the washing tomorrow morning. = Я буду стирать завтра утром.

15. They will be having their English from 4 till 6 o’clock. = Они будут заниматься английским языком с 4 до 6 часов.

16. Who will you be writing to letters after supper? = Кому ты будешь писать письма после ужина?

17. Ann will be swimming in the sea this time next week.

18. Mary will be playing the violin at the concert this evening.

19. Why will you be wearing your best clothes tomorrow evening?

20. You will be laughing when he shows you these pictures.

Exercise 2. В слкедующих предложениях раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Future Continuous Tense.

1. The children ( to play) football this time tomorrow.

2. I (to translate ) this article all night.

3. My brother ( to work) for another two hours.

4. We ( to listen) to a famous singer at the concert tomorrow evening.

5. At this time tomorrow Ann ( to sit) in the train on the way to London to visit me.

6. While you (to wash) the floor I ( to get) the dinner ready.

7. All right, I ( to wait) for you at the corner by the Institute at a quarter to three tomorrow as you suggest.

8. None of us knows what she (to tell) us all evening.

9. Do you know what Tom (to do) tomorrow afternoon?

10. Don’t come between two and four o’clock. I ( to practise) the violin at that time.

11. They (to discuss) this question at 2 o’clock on Friday.

12. My parents (to pack) things all day long.

13. Tom ( to take) his English exam the day after tomorrow.

14. My sister (to stay) at my place for a couple of days.

15. The children (to dance) around the New Year tree the whole evening.

16. My mother (to do) the shopping all afternoon long.

17. As usual John (to have) a cigarette after dinner.

18. It (to rain) all day tomorrow.

19. My mother (to cook) dinner this time tomorrow.

20. Harry (to meet) his wife at the station at five o’clock.

Я раскрою скобки и поставлю глаголы в Future Continuous Tense, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The children will be playing football this time tomorrow.

2. I shall be tranlating this article all night.

3. My brother will be working for another two hours.

4. We shall be listening to a famous singer at the concert tomorrow evening.

5. At this time tomorrow Ann will be sitting in the train on the way to London to visit me.

6. While you are washing the floor I will be getting the dinner ready.

7. All right, I shall be waiting for you at the corner by the Institute at a quarter to three as you suggest.

8. None of us knows what she will be telling us all evening.

9. Do you know what Tom will be doing tomorow afternoon?

10. Don’t come between two and four o’clock. I shall be practising the violin at that time.

11. They will be discussing this question at 2 o’clock on Friday.

12. My parents will be packing things all day long.

13. Tom will be taking his English exam the day after tomorrow.

14. My sister will be staying at my place fora couple of days.

15. The children wil be dancing around the New Year tree the whole evening.

16. My mother will be doing the shopping all affternoon long.

17. As usual John will be having a cigarette after dinner.

18. It will be raining all day tomorrow.

19. My mother will be cooking dinner this time tomorrow.

20. Harry will be meeting his wife at the station at five o’clock.