Тренировочные упражнения. Present Indefinite Tense. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть вторая

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Продолжаем отрабатывать грамматическое время Present Indefinite Tense. Только тренировочными упражнениями можно достичь успеха и выработать автоматизм речи. Всегда надо идти от простых упражнений к более сложным, а потом заниматься и прямыми переводами ( то есть с русского языка на английский). Простые упражнения (elementary) и более сложные, среднего (intermediate) уровня есть в предыдущих сообщениях. Продолжим заниматься средним уровнем, слегка его усложнив.

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в единственное число, сразу же меняя подлежащее, глагол-сказуемое и местоимения.

1. They tell me that when they get home every afternoon they have some food and then change their clothes; they never eat or drink anything while they are in the office, unless the hot weather makes them very thirsty.

2. Those boys say that they always listen carefully, but do not always understand their teachers because they speak too quickly and choose very difficult words.

3. Careful students put back the books they have read before they take out others. These girls come to our library every Thursday and read a book every week; they like English and want to learn quickly.

4. Their children walk to school every morning and look for their friends on the way; when they see them they run to them and laugh and play and enjoy themselves until they hear the school bell.

5. Our friends leave for Torquay at three and arrive there about seven; they spend their holidays there every year and swim in the sea or sleep nearly all the time. They forget their work, enjoy the sea and live as free as birds. Their holidays finish in August, they catch an early train back to London and feel well and happy when they return to work.

6. The boys wake up at seven o’clock, wash, dress, quickly and run into the dining room for breakfast. They wait until they hear the bell and then go to school.

7. These men go to work by train every day. They stay in the train for half and hour and sit or stand there and read the newspapers. They try to read all the news during the journey and in that way know a lot about the topics of the day.

8. Two of my friends hate reading but love to go to the pictures; such people lose a lot of pleasure in life and generally get bored very quickly.

9. These boys play in the garden every morning and usually break something or tear their clothes or cut themselves when they fall. Small boys cry when they hurt themselves, but as they grow older they hide their feeling and become less noisy.

10. My friends tell me that professors are people who think a lot, but say little, but the school-teachers are people who say a lot but think little.

11. Housewives have to work very hard. They cook the meals, lay the table and wash up, clean the house and mend the clothes. Sometimes they also do the washing and ironing and look after the garden.

12. My friends go to the office every day, and play cards every evening. On Saturdays they go to the cinema, and Sundays they spend by the river.

13. Dogs make better pets than cats because they are more friendly. They understand and obey their masters, but cats like to live their own life.

14. They go to France on business several times a year. They take a train to Dover and cross the channel by hovercraft. At Calais they hire a car, drive to the place they want to reach, and find a good hotel there.

15. Babies are a great nuisance; they need attention all the time. If they do not disturb you by crying, they have to be fed, bathed or looked after. They do not even thank people who take care of them.

2 комментария

  1. Анна:

    Будьте добры, проверьте, правильно ли я понимаю материал)?:

    Their child walks to school every morning and looks for his friend on the way; when he sees him he runs to him and laughs and plays and enjoys themselves until he hears the school bell.

    Our friend leaves for Torquay at three and arrives there about seven; they spends his holidays there every year and swims in the sea or sleeps nearly all the time. He forgets their work, enjoys the sea and lives as free as birds. His holidays finish in August, they catches an early train back to London and feels well and happy when he returns to work.

    • admin:

      Вы должны заменить множественное число на единственное, соответственно вы просто вместо «they» вы должны по тексту писать «he», соответственно меняя и притяжательный падеж местоимений. Например: «He forgets his work», но не » He forgets their work» и так далее по тексту. Вы забыли заменить местоимения «they» на «he», если выговорите о друге или на «she», если вы подразумеваете подругу.