Вопросы по теме “Погода и климат”

Оглавление —> Разговорные темы

По любой теме надо научиться отвечать на вопросы и, конечно, уметь и задавать вопросы. Я напишу вопросы , надо просто читать их вслух и отвечать. Вы можете сочинять вопросы самостоятельно, и сами же на них отвечать. Есть вопросы очень часто задаваемые, значит их и надо задавать себе ежедневно. Например:

Какая сейчас погода? или Какая погода была вчера?

Какой прогноз погоды на завтра ( на воскресенье, на январь и т.д.)?

Какое твое любимое время года / месяц и т.д.?

На улице тепло/ холодно/жарко/идет дождь/ идет снег и т.д.?

Но есть и вопросы, которые не часто бывают в нашей повседневной речи, но их надо понимать и на них отвечать. Отвечая на вопросы , мы запоминаем слова, выражения, и не забываем о законах составления вопросов, да и сама тема “Погода и климат” начинает проясняться.

1. How many seasons are there in the year? What are they? Which season do you like best , and why?

2. In what season of the year does nature return to life? Which are the spring months? In what month do trees break into blossom?

3. When does a rainbow appear in the sky? What are its colours? Why do we admire a rainbow?

4. Which are the summer month? Which month is the hottest in your town? What is your the usual summer temperature in your town? Does the temperature ever rise 40 degrees in your town?

5. What change do we usually observe in the weather when the heat grows oppressive? What indicates the approach of a thunderstorm? What do we hear during a thunderstorm? And what do we see?

6. Are you afraid of thunder? Is it dangerous to stand under the tree during a thunderstorm?

7. Do you stay in town or do you go to the country in summer? When do you generally get up when you stay in the country? Why don’t we sleep well on a sultry summer night?

8. Which are the autumn months? What was the weather like in autumn? Did it often drizzle? Do you like autumn? Why?

9. Which are the winter months? Which month is the coldest in your town? What was the weather like this winter? Was it very changeable? What is the usual winter temperature in your town?

10. What is the weather forecast for Sunday? What do you think the weather is going to be like? Will you go out of town for the week-end?

11. What is the weather like now? Has it stopped raining or is it still raining a little? Is it windy? Where is the wind( blowing) from? Do you think the weather will clear up?