Тренировочные упражнения. Сравнительная конструкция с союзом AS…AS. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть первая

Оглавление —> Все о прилагательных —> Части речи —> Все тренировочные упражнения с прилагательными

Начинаем тренироваться с самого элементарного, и это, как правило, английские простые предложения, которые построены по соответствующим правилам или включают в себя словосочетания, так сказать, на “заданную тему”. Необходимо привыкнуть к новой грамматике и к новым словам, которые частенько сопутствуют новым правилам. То есть доводим до уровня: смысл ясен и понятен , а язык не спотыкается. Чаще всего, на первом этапе, предлагается поставить утвердительные предложения в отрицательную и вопросительные формы. Обычно такие задания не доставляют особых затруднений.

В заданиях среднего уровня необходимо прикладывать больше усилий, так как задача немного усложняется. Напоминаю о четырех моделях A, B, C, D сравнительных конструкций с союзом AS…AS, и союзом THAN.

В следующем упражнении дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы. Ответы могут быть положительным и и отрицательными; перед списком вопросов есть модели, по которым можно ориентироваться..

А. Если сравниваются разные объекты.


Are you as tall as your brother? — Yes, I am. I am as tall as my brother. (утвердительный ответ) — No, I am not. I am not so tall as my brother.(отрицательный ответ)

1. Are your friends as young as you?

2. Is he as tall as his father?

3. Was she as shy as a mouse?

4. Are the clouds as white as snow?

5. Is the evening as damp as the morning?

6. Is he as clever as his brother?

7. Were they as brave as their father?

8. Is she as pretty as her cousin?

9 .Is it as cold today as yesterday?

10. Is the film as interesting as the book?

A. Выберите подходящие фразы и дополните следующие предложения.

as beautiful as a horse, as cheap as oranges, as comfortable as the flats, as poor as a church mouse, as lazy as their brother, as strong as his father, as deep as the lake, as interesting as the book, as shy as a mouse, as young as his wife.

1. My brother is …

2. This girl was …

3. Apples are …

4. The film …

5. The river …

6. He is …

7. They were

8. This woman is …

9. These houses are

10. A donkey is …

B. Если сравниваются одинаковые объекты с указательными местоимениями this/that и these/those.

Model. Is this bus as quick as that one? — Yes, it is. This bus is as quick as that one. No, it is not. This bus is not so quick as that one.

1. Is this story as funny as that one?

2. Is this dress as short as the tall one?

3. Are these questions as difficult as those ones?

4. Was this boy as strong as that one?

5. Were these boys as busy as those ones?

6. Is their new flat is as comfortable as the old one?

7. Is this forest as thick as that one?

8. Was this trunk as heavy as that one?

9. This hill is as low as that one.

10. This street as wide as the next one.

B. Выберите подходящие фразы и дополните следующие предложения.

as difficult as that one, as modern as that one, as beautiful as that one, as dark as those ones, as long as that one, as easy as that one, as narrow as the next one, as boring as those ones, as deep as than one, as shallow as that one.

1. This exercise is …

2. This street was …

3. These books are

4. This river is …

5. This lake is…

6. This way was …

7. These rooms are …

8. This painting is …

9. This task was …

10. This flat is …

C. Если есть простая и абсолютная притяжательная форма местоимений.

Model. Is your son is as smart as his? — Yes, he is. My son is as smart as his. No, he is not. My son is not so smart as his.

1.Is your wife as economical as mine?

2. Is his bag as light as hers?

3. Was their house as near as ours?

4. Is her composition as long as his?

5. Is his handwriting as bad as yours?

6. Are his children as naughty as hers?

7. Are her eyes as black as his?

8. Is your garden as lovely as theirs?

9. Are their marks as excellent as his?

10. Is your coat as warm as mine?

C. Выберите подходящие фразы и дополните следующие предложения.

as little as hers, as interesting as ours, as lovely as mine, as sweet as his, as beautiful as theirs, as big as hers, as heavy as ours, as short as mine, as foolish as yours, as deep as mine.

1. His voice is …

2. Her singing was …

3. Our garden is …

4. Her cat is …

5. Their work is …

6. My dog is …

7. Their luggage is …

8. My children are …

9. Her jacket is …

10. Their mistake are …

D. Если есть существительные в притяжательном падеже.

Model. Are her dresses as short as her friend’s?  — Yes, they are. Her dresses are as short as her friend’s. No, they are not. Her dresses are not so short as her friend’s.

1. Are her days as busy as her husband’s?

2. Is his health as poor as his wife’s?

3. Is your mother as old as your friend’s?

4. Is his dog as big as his father’s?

5. Are the boy’s marks as good as his sister’s?

6. Is your house as large as your parents’?

7. Is her smile as pleasant as her sister’s?

8. Was his beard as long as his brother’s?

9. Are Your children as polite as your friends’?

10. Was his welcome as hearty as his wife’s?

D. Выберите подходящие фразы и дополните следующие предложения.

as blue as her mother’s, as noble as his father’s, as sweet as her sister’s, as new as your friend’s, as excellent as their parents’, as rich as his grandfather’s, as poor as his brother’s, as dirty as their brothers’, as foolish as her neighbour’s, as large as your parents’.

1. Your kitchen is …

2. Her mistakes are …

3. Their hands were …

4. His handwriting is …

5. His library is …

6. Her health was …

7. My car is …

8. His face is …

9. Her voice is …

10. Her eyes are …