Тренировочные упражнения с оборотом “There is/are…”. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть первая

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Продолжаем тренироваться и отрабатывать грамматику с оборотом “There is/are…”. Немного усложним задачу. Сейчас научимся выражать согласие и несогласие с данными утверждениями. Надо отработать это упражнение устно по предложенным моделям.

Model 1. Дано предложение в утвердительной форме, то есть утверждение:

 — There is a round table in the room.

Выражаем согласие :  — Yes , there is a round table in the room.

Все следующие предложения выполняем по данному образцу.

1. There is a nice vase on the table.

2. There are nice pictures on the wall.

3. There are some flowers in the vase.

4. There are many beautiful parks in our town.

5. There is too much salt in the soup.

6. There was a red rose i her hair.

7. There is a TV set in the corner of the room.

8. There was much snow on the roof of the house.

9. There were many children in the corridor.

10.There were some English books on the shelf.

Model 2. Дано предложение в утвердительной форме, то есть утверждение:

 — Pete has an interesting book in his bag.

Выражаем согласие:  — Yes, there is an interesting book in his bag.

Все следующие предложения выполняем по данному образцу.

1. Jane has beautiful flowers in her garden.

2. Alice has a looking-glass in her bag.

3. We have some meat i the fridge.

4. Florence an old typewriter in her office.

5. They had a telephone in their old flat.

6. Ben had some money in his pocket.

7. Jane’s father has many books on mathematics in his study.

8. The Browns have a TV set in their country house.

9. Granny has a very comfortable arm-chair in her room.

10. The Palmers had a little garden around their country house.

Model 3. Дано предложение в утвердительной форме, то есть утверждение:

– There are some books on the table.

Выражаем согласие и говорим, что еще есть (находится ) в данном месте:

 — Yes, there are some books on the table. There is also a lamp there.

Все следующие предложения выполняем по данному образцу.

1. There are a lot of fruit trees in the garden.

2. There are many desks in the hall.

3. There is an old clock on the wall.

4. There is a thick carpet on the floor.

5. There is some bread in the basket.

6. There is a University in our town.

7. There are many shelves in his study.

8. There were two boys on the platform.

9. There was some butter in the fridge.

10. There were many childrenin the park yesterday.

Model 4. Дано предложение в утвердительной форме, то есть утверждение:

 — There is a cat in the room.

Выражаем несогласие и говорим, что на самом деле есть ( находится) в данном месте:

-There is no cat in the room. There is a dog there.

Все следующие предложения выполняем по данному образцу. В скобках предлагаются существительные, с которыми вы можете сделать замену.

1. There is a cup on the table. (glass)

2. There is a jug on the shelf. (bottle)

3. There is a plate on the table. (saucer)

4. There is a pencil in the bag. (pen)

5. There is some butter on the plate. (cheese)

6. There is some tea in the pot. ( coffee)

7. There is some milk in the bottle. ( lemonade)

8. There was sugar on the table. ( salt)

9. There were two chairs in the room. ( arm-chairs)

10. There were some bushes in the yard. (trees)