Тренировочные упражнения. Present Continuous Tense. Средний уровень. Intermediate

Оглавление —> Глагол

После первого этапа легких и понятных упражнений надо выходить на средний уровень и немного усложнить тренировку. Во-первых, надо вспомнить все  глаголы, которые не участвуют в создании Present Continuous, и во- вторых научиться различать Настоящее Неопределенное Время (Present Indefinite Tense) от Времени Настоящего Продолженного (Present Continuous Tense).

В следующем упражнении раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол  в правильную форму (Present Indefinite или Present Continuous). Предложения могут быть:  (+)- утвердительные, (-)- отрицательныеи и (?)- вопросительные.

Три примера, как надо выполнять упражнение.

1. She … (to read) many books. = She reads many books.

2. How many languages … ( Tom/to speak)? = How many languages does Tom speak?

3.Look! Somebody … (to climb up) that tree over there. = Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there.

Теперь я напишу несколько предложений для тренировки , а в конце упражнения напишу ответы, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The moon … ( to go round) the Earth.

2. Look! That man … ( to try ) to open the door of your car.

3. I usually … ( to go) to work by tram.

4. … you ( to believe) in God?

5. You can borrow my umbrella. I … ( not/to need) it at the moment.

6. Hurry up! The bus … ( to come). I … ( not/to want) to miss it.

7. Please be quiet. The baby … ( to sleep).

8. The baby often … (to sleep) after dinner.

9. … your friend… (to go) to school in the morning?

10 … your friend … (to do) his homework now?

11. The world … ( to change). Things never stay the same.

12. Excuse me, I … ( to look for) a phone box. Is there one near here?

13. My brother … ( not/to know) about it.

14. His children … ( not/to like) to read books.

15. The kettle … ( to boil). Please, turn it off.

16. Water … ( to boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

17. Nick … (to play) tennis every Sunday.

18. Where is Tom? — He … ( to play) tennis.

19. Ships …( to travel ) from Southampton to New York in four or five days.

20. On my way to work I usually ( to meet) many children who (to go) to school.

21. Look, a man … ( to run) after the bus. He … ( to want)  to catch it.

22. The sun … ( to warm) the air and … ( to give) us light.

23. … you … (to hear) anything? — I … ( listen) hard but I can’t hear anything.

24. Wood .. ( float ) on water , but iron … ( not/ to float).

25. I .. (to see) a man outside. He … ( to look) at me.

Здесь я написала предложения с правильными ответами; конечно, надо переводить английские предложения на родной язык, так можно поднабраться новых слов, также не помешает проговорить эти предлжения вслух.

1. The Moon goes round the Earth.

2. Look! That man is trying to open the door of your car.

3. I usually go to work by tram.

4. Do you believe in God?

5. You can borrow my umbrella. I don’t need it at the moment.

6. Hurry up! The bus is coming. I don’t want to miss it.

7. Please be quiet. The baby is sleeping.

8. The baby often sleeps after dinner.

9. Does your friend go to school in the morning?

10. Is your friend doing his homework now?

11. The world is changing. Things never stay the same.

12. Excuse me , I am looking for a phone box.Is there one near here?

13. My brother doesn’t know about it.

14. His children don’t like to read books.

15. The kettle is boiling. Please, turn it off.

16. Water  boils  at 100 degrees Celsius.

17. Nick plays tennis every Sunday.

18. Where is Tom? — He is playing tennis.

19. Ships travel from Southampton to New York in four or five days.

20. On my way to work I usually meet many children who go to school.

21. Look, a man is running after the bus. He wants to catch it.

22. The sun warms the air and gives us light.

23. Do you hear anything? — I am listening hard  but I can’t hear anything.

24. Wood floats on water, but iron doesn’t float.

25. I see a man outside. He is looking at me.