Тренировочные упражнения. Past Continuous Tense. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть первая


Когда пройден начальный эта тренировок по какой-либо грамматической теме, самое время заняться упражнениями среднего уровня. Это уже не просто “знакомство” с английским текстом, напичканным изучаемой грамматикой и простейшими упражнениями, а упражнения, при выполнении которых приходится соображать, правда, но не особо напрягаясь. Итак, слегка усложняем задание.

Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в одном из прошедших времен: Past Indefinite Tense или Past Continuous Tense.

1. While the water (to heat) Mary (to begin) sweeping the floor.

2. Ann (to sit) in the restaurant when I (to see) her.

3. What you both (to do) at 8 o’clock yesterday? — I (to play) chess with my brother and John (to watch) television.

4. When I (to go) out the sun (to shine).

5. My friend (to be) a captain of a ship which ( to sail) that night for Liverpool.

6. When the doctor (to leave) the hospital , he (to catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass front door.

7. The boy (to fall down) while he (run) along the road.

8. The door of his room (to be) open; his mother still (to stand) at the window.

9. Next day, while he (to shave) he (to cut) himself slightly.

10. I (to slip) away while the others (to have) coffee.

11. At 10 o’clock the train (to arrive) at the station. In a flash he (to be) in the platform and (to move) up Railway Road.

12. My granny (to fall) asleep while she ( to watch) the new show.

13. It (to drizzle) when they (to come) out of the house.

14. We ( to have) dinner when the light ( to go out).

15. When I (to have) a dog in my childhood I always ( to take) him out for a walk in the evening.

16. Large crowds ( to wait) at the station when the Prime Minister (to arrive).

17. When the phone (to ring) , I (to have) a bath.

18. Ann just (to pass) the shop and (to head) to the door when she (to come) face to face with her husband.

19. It (to be) a pity I (to have) to be out last night.

20. Mary (to take) me to her mother’s , where they (to expect ) me to lunch.

21. Tom (to come) in, (to look) at the fire, (to stand) a moment, (to turn) and (to go) away.

22. I (to smile) and (walk) over Peter. He (to talk) to the director and they both (turn) as I (to come).

23. She (to run) down the stairs and (to go) to the library, where her husband (to stand) with his mother.

24. John (to lift) his eyes from the book and (to look) out of the window. It still (to snow).

25. One January evening when Ann ( to return) home, she (to meet) a friend of hers.

26. You (to have) a good time at those parties?

27. He (to go) to the kitchen and (to get) himself a cup of coffee.

28. I (to try) to remember what I (to do) during that time.

29. When I (to hear) his knock I (to go) to the door and (to open) it? bur I (not to recognize) him at first because I (not to wear) my glasses.

30. She (to come) to see us the other day and she (to give) us her address and (to ask) us to come and see her.

Теперь я раскрою скобки , поставлю предложения в нужное время и переведу их на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. While the water was heating Mary began sweeping the floor. = Пока грелась вода, Мария начала подметать пол.

2. Ann was sitting in the restaurant when I saw her. = Анна сидела в ресторане, когда я ее увидела.

3. What were you both doing at 8 o’clock yesterday? — I was playing chess with my brother and John was watching television. = Что вы оба делали вчера в восемь часов? — Я играл в шахматы с братом, а Джон смотрел телевизор.

4. When I went out the sun was shining. = Солнце светило, когда я вышел на улицу.

5. My friend was a captain of a ship which was sailing that night for Liverpool. = Мой друг был капитаном корабля, который в ту ночь плыл в Ливерпуль.

6. When the doctor was leaving the hospital, he caught a glimpse of himself in the glass front door. = Когда доктор выходил из больницы , он поймал свое отражение в стеклянной двери.

7. The boy fell down while he was running along the road. = Мальчик упал, пока бежал по дороге.

8. The door of his room was open; his mother was still standing at the window. + Дверь в его комнату была открыта; его мама все еще стояла у окна.

9. Next day, while he was shaving he cut himself slightly. = На следующий день, когда он брился, он слегка порезался.

10. I slipped away while the others were having coffee. = Я ускользнул прочь, пока они остальные пили кофе.

11. At ten o’clock the train arrived at the station. In a flash he was on the platform and was moving up Railway Road. = В десять часов поезд прибыл на станцию. В мгновение ока он очутился на платформе и направился к Рейлвей Роуд.

12. My granny fell asleep while she was watching the new show. =Моя бабушка заснула, пока смотрела новое представление.

13. It was drizzling when they came out of the house. = Когда они вышли из дому, шел мелкий дождь.

14. We were having dinner when the light went out. = Мы обедали, когда погас свет.

15. When I had a dog in my childhood I always took him out for a walk in the evening. = Когда у меня в детстве была собака, я всегда выводил ее погулять вечерами.

16. Large crowds were waiting at the station when the Prime Minister arrived. = Когда приехал премьер — министр на станции его ждала большая толпа людей.

17. When the telephone rang I was having a bath. = Я принимал душ, когда зазвонил телефон.

18. Ann was just passing the shop and heading to the door when she came face to face with her husband. = Анна проходила через магазин и направлялась к двери, когда она лицом к лицу столкнулась со своим мужем.

19. It was a pity I had to be out last night. = Было жаль, что мне вчера пришлось уйти из дома .

20. Mary took me to her mother’s where they were expecting me to lunch. = Мария взяла меня с собой к своей маме домой, где меня уже ждали к обеду.

21. Tom came in , looked at the fire, stood a moment, turned and went away. = Том вошел, посмотрел на огонь, постоял мгновение, повернулся и ушел прочь.

22. I smiled and walked to Peter. He was talking to the director and they both turned as I came up. = Я улыбнулся и пошел к Петру. Он разговаривал с директором и они оба повернулись, когда я к ним подошел.

23. She ran down the stairs and went to the library, where her husband was standing with his mother. = Она сбежала вниз по лестнице и подошла к библиотеке, где стоял ее муж.

24. John lifted his eyes from the book and looked out of the window. It was still snowing. = Джон поднял глаза от книги и выглянул окно. Снег все еще шел.

25. One January evening when Ann was returning home she met a friend of hers.= Когда одним январским вечером Анна возвращалась домой, он встретила свою подружку.

26. Did you have a good time at those parties? = Ты хорошо провел время на этих вечеринках?

27. He went to the kitchen and got himself a cup of coffee. = Он пошел на кухню и приготовил себе чашку кофе.

28. I tried to remember what I was doing during that time. = Я попытался припомнить, что я делал в то время.

29. When I heard his knock I went to the door and opened it, but I didn’t recognize him at first because I wasn’t wearing my glasses. = Когда я услышала его стук , я пошла к двери и открыла ее, но в первый момент я его не узнала, так как я была без очков.

30. She came to see us the other day and she gave us her address and asked us to cjme and see her. = Она навестила на на днях, дала свой адрес и пригласила нас к себе.