Тренировочные упражнения. Past Continuous Tense. Elementary


Любое грамматическое время или правило надо отработать. Необходимо, чтобы глаз привык к новой грамматике, а поэтому начинать надо с английских предложений, которые написаны в данном грамматике, то есть, в данном грамматическом поле.

Начинаем с самого простого.

Exercise 1. Поставьте все предложения в (?) вопросительную и (-) отрицательную формы. Переведите их на родной язык и объясните, почему глаголы стоят в Past Continuous Tense.

1. We were having our English at 3 o’clock yesterday.

2. My sister was playing the piano the whole evening.

3. John was very tired. He was sleeping all morning long.

4. We were preparing for our examinations in May.

5. Tom was waiting for his girl-friend all morning long.

6. My granny was working at a factory at the time.

7. Ann was speaking to him for an hour.

8. The pupil was translating this text from 8 till 11 o’clock.

9. It was late. The children were sleeping.

10. My grandmother was having a rest all evening long.

11. I saw my friend in the park. He was sitting on the bench and reading a book.

12. It was raining , so we didn’t go out.

13. In 1990 my parents were living in Canada.

14. I was a sailor on a ship which was going to Liverpool 10 years ago.

15. Several tourists were having dinner in the restaurant. It was 8 o’clock.

16. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was beautiful morning.

17. The guests were eating, joking, laughing and talking loudly all evening.

18. My grand father was working in the garden all evening long.

19. The children were skiing the whole day.

20. The were crossing the street at the wrong place.

Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Past Continuous Tense. Объясните употребление Past Continuous Tense и переведите предложения на родной язык. В конце упражнения я напишу правильные ответы, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. Yesterday about eleven o’ clock he (to walk) towards Fleet street.

2. I (to read) a book when he came in.

3. While I (to wait) for an answer, a knock came at the outer door.

4. The sun (to shine) when we went out.

5. We ( not to smoke) in the room when the teacher entered.

6. I saw a light in your house as I (to pass).

7. He (to sit) in the garden when the house fell down.

8. At that time I (to see) my guests off.

9. Ann (to hurry) to the library when she met her brother.

10. I was very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.

11. He ( to work) at the same factory for years.

12. When you came in I (to write) a letter to my father.

13. At ten o’ clock she (to walk) her dog in the park.

14. I came in while she (to speak) on the phone.

15. When the bell rang they all (not to sleep).

16. It (to rain) when I woke up this morning.

17. He (to work) from morning till evening.

18. When I saw him he (to open) the door of your house.

19. We (to live) in France when the war began.

20. They (to have) a walk in the park all evening yesterday.

21. My brother (to take) his examinations at 3 o’clock yesterday.

22. The boy jumped off the bus while it (to move).

23. At that moment she (not to listen to) me.

24. My granny (to work) in the garden the whole day.

25. When I arrived at his house he still (to sleep).

26. We ( to discuss) this matter at six o’clock yesterday.

27. They ( to speak) about the latest events when she interrupted them.

28. It (to rain) heavily from morning till night yesterday.

29. The fire still (to burn) at six o’clock this morning.

30. He (to walk) across the bridge when his hat blew off.

31. I (to wait) for you at ten yesterday.

32. He cut his finger while he (to cut) the bread and butter.

33. The bus started while I (to get) on.

34. The children (to ski) from 2 till 4 yesterday.

35. When I (to listen ) to the radio last night, I heard a loud scream.

36. The light went out while we (to have) supper.

37. Ann (to speak) to her daughter when I saw her.

38. Her husband arrived at the house when Ann (to cook) dinner.

39. The children (to do) their homework when their father came back from the office.

40. I took another cake when my granny ( not to look).

41. My grandfather (to earn) his living by fishing at the time.

42. She (to try) to find a telephone number in her note-book at that time.

43. The children ( to make) a lot of noise when I came in.

45. When I saw Mary and Ann they ( to laugh) gaily.

44. I ( to look) for a key all morning.

46. She (to stay) at home the whole day.

47. He (to stare) up at the ceiling when I entered the room.

48. My father ( not to look) at me when he (to say) it.

49. She broke a key when she ( to try) to open the door.

50. When I went out it ( to snow).

Теперь я раскрою скобки, поставлю глагол в Past Continuous Tense и переведу английские предложения на русский язык.

1. Yesterday about eleven o’clock he was walking towards Fleet street. = Вчера в 11 часов он шел по направлению к Флит стрит.

2. I was reading a book when he came. = Я читал книгу, когда он пришел.

3. While I was waiting for an answer, a knock came at the outer door. = Пока я ждал ответа, раздался стук в дверь.

4. The sun was shining when we went out. = Солнце сияло, когда мы вышли на улицу.

5. We weren’t smoking in the room when the teacher entered. = Когда вошел учитель мы не курили в комнате.

6. I saw a light in your house as I was passing. = Я увидел свет в твоем доме, когда проходил мимо.

7. He was sitting in the garden when the house fell down. = Он сидел в саду, когда дом обрушился.

8. At that time I was seeing my guests off. = В тот момент я провожал своих гостей.

9. Ann was hurrying to the library when she met her brother. = Анна спешила в библиотеку, когда она встретила своего брата.

10. I was very busy yesterday. I was preparing for my exam the whole day. = Я вчера был очень занят. Весь день я готовился к экзаменам.

11. He was working at the same factory for years. = Он проработал на одной и той же фабрике в течение многих лет.

12. When you came in I was writing a letter to my father. = Когда ты вошел я писал отцу письмо.

13. At ten o’clock she was walking her dog in the park. = В десять часов она выгуливала свою собаку в парке.

14. I came in while she was speaking on the phone. = Я вошел в тот момент, когда она разговаривала по телефону.

15. When the bell rang they weren’t sleeping. = Они не спали, когда прозвенел звонок.

16. It was raining when I woke up this morning . = Когда я проснулся сегодня утром , шел дождь.

17. He was working from morning till evrening. = Он проработал с утра до вечера.

18. When I saw him he was opening the door of your house. = Когда я увидел его, он открывал дверь твоего дома.

19. We were living in France when the war began. = Мы жили во Франции, когда началась война.

20. They were having a walk in the park all evening yesterday. = Вчера они гуляли в парке весь вечер.

21. My brother was taking his examinations at 3 o’clock yesterday. = Вчера в три часа мой брат сдавал экзамены.

22. The boy jumped off the bus while it was moving. = Мальчик спрыгнул с автобуса, когда автобус двигался.

23. At that moment she wasn’t listening to me. = В ту минуту она не слушала меня.

24. My granny was working in the garden the whole day. = Весь день моя бабушка работала в саду.

25. When I arrived at his house he was still sleeping. = Когда я пришел к ему домой, он еще спал.

26. We were discussing this matter at six o’clock yesterday. = Вчера в шесть часов мы обсуждали этот вопрос.

27. They were speaking about the latest events wnen she interrupted them. = Он говорили о последних событиях, когда она их прервала.

28. It was raining heavily from morning till night yesteday. = Вчера с утра до вечера шел сильный дождь.

29. The fire was still burning at six o’clock this morning. = Сегодня утром в шесть огонь все еще горел.

30. He was walking across the bridge when his hat blew off. = Он переходил через мост, когда его шляпа слетела.

31. I was waiting for you at ten yesterday. = Я ждал тебя вчера в десять.

32. He cut his finger while he was cutting the bread and butter. = Он порезал палец, пока нарезал хлеб и масло.

33. The bus started while I was getting on. = Автобус тронулся, когда я в него заходил.

35. When I was listening to the radio last night I heard a loud scream. = У услышал громкий крик, когда я слушал радио.

36. The light went out while we were having supper. = Когда мы ужинали, погас свет.

37. Ann was speaking to her daughter when I saw her. = Анна разговаривала с дочкой, когда я ее увидела.

38. Her husband arrived at the house when Ann was cooking dinner. = Когда Анна готовила обед, приехал ее муж.

39. The children were doing their homework when their father came back from the office. = Дети делали уроки, когда их отец вернулся из офиса.

40. I took another cake when my granny weren’t looking. = Я взял еще одно пирожное, пока бабушка не смотрела.

41. My grandfather was earning his living by fishing at the time. = В то время мой дед зарабатывал на жизнь ловлей рыбы.

42. She was trying to find a telephone number in her note-book at that time.= Она пыталась найти номер телефона в записной книжке в тот момент.

43. The children were making a lot of noise when I came in. = Когда я заглянул в комнату, дети сильно шумели.

44. I was looking for a key all morning. = Все утро я искал ключи.

45. When I saw Mary and Ann, they were laughing gaily. = Когда я увидела Марию и Анну, он весело смеялись.

46. She was staying at home the whole day.= Она пробыла дома весь день.

47. He was staring up at the ceiling when I entered the room. = Он пристально смотрел вверх на потолок, когда я вошел.

48. My father wasn’t looking at me when he said it. = Мой отец не смотрел на меня, когда это сказал.

49. She broke a key when she was trying to open the door. = Она сломала ключ, когда пыталась открыть дверь.

50. When I went out it was snowing. = Когда я вышел на улицу , шел снег.