Тренировочные упражнения. Passive Voice. Начальный уровень. Elementary. Часть вторая

Оглавление —> Страдательный залог

Упражнения начального уровня — это знакомство с грамматической темой, которую надо отработать. Если мы хотим хорошо ориентироваться в страдательном залоге, то начинаем с самого простого — с построения пассивных конструкций.

Итак, раскройте скобки и образуете пассивную конструкцию во времени, которое указано рядом. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The dog (to give) some food in ten munutes. Future Indefinite

2. This picture always (to admire). Present Indefinite

3. The letters ( to type) now. Present Continuous

4. The children (to allow) to go for a walk . Present Perfect

5. His leg ( to hurt) in an accident. Past Indefinite

6. The museum ( to open) in September. Future Indefinite

7. These men ( to arrest) yesterday. Past Indefinite

8. This exercise ( to do) very carefully. Present Continuous

9. He ( to appoint) a new manager of the firm. Present Perfect

10. Furniture (to made) from wood and plastic. Present Indefinite

11. The news ( to announce) tomorrow morning. Future Indefinite

12. The box ( not to open) for the last hundred years. Present Perfect

13. The article still ( to translate). Present Continuous

14. A new metro line (to construct) in our town next year. Future Indefinite

15. The excursion (to organize) well. Present Perfect

16. His granny ( to take) to hospital last Saturday. Past Indefinite

17. The Tower of London formerly (to use) as a prison. Past Indefinite

18. A new rule (to explain) now. Present Continuous

19. Her book ( to publish) next month. Future Indefinite

20. Two of my dinner plates ( to break). Present Perfect

21. These newspapes and journals ( to sell) everywhere. Present Indefinite.

22. The short story ( to read) aloud now. Present Continuous

23. A big battle (to fight) here 200 years ago. Past Indefinite

24. She ( to meet) at the station tomorrow morning? Future Indefinite

25. You ( to invite) to lunch tomorrow. Present Perfect

26. This play ( to forget) in a few years’ time. Future Indefinite

27. The patient ( to operate on) at this moment. Present Continuous

28. The bridge ( to built) last year. Past Indefinite

29. My brother never ( to beat) at tennis. Present Perfect

30. English ( to speak) all over the world. Present Indefinite

31. Trees and flowers ( to plant) in the park now. Present Continuous

32. Any questions ( to ask) about me? Past Indefinite

33. Your report ( to discuss) in two hours. Future Indefinite.

34. The children ( to punish) for something they didn’t do. Past Indefinite

35. Milk (to use) for making butter and cheese. Present Indefinite

36. The floor (to wash) in the ckassroom now. Present Continuous

37. His lectures ( to listen to) with great interest. Future Indefinite

38. You (to want) to help lay the table. Present Indefinite

39. A pupil always ( to praise) when he works hard. Present Indefinite

40. The stolen car ( to find) in another town. Present Perfect

Я раскрою скобки, образую формы страдательного залога в соответствующем времени и переведу предложения на русский язык.

1. The dog will be given some food in ten minutes. = Через десять минут собаке дадут поесть.

2. This pictures is always admired. = Этой картиной всегда восхищаются.

3. The letters are being typed now. = Письма сейчас печатают.

4. The children have been allowed to go for a walk. = Детям разрешили пойти погулять.

5. His leg was hurt in an accident. = Его нога была повреждена

6. The museum will be opened in September. = Музей откроется в сентябре.

7. These men were arrested yesterday. = Вчера эти люди были арестованы.

8. This exercise is very carefully being done. = Это упражнение сейчас выполняют очень внимательно.

9. He has been appointed a new manager of the firm. = Его назначили новым управляющим этой фирмы.

10. Furniture is made from wood and plastic. = Мебель делают из дерева и пластика.

11. The news will be announced tomorrow morning. = Эти новости сообщат завтра утром.

12. The box hasn’t been opened for the last hundred years. = За последние сотню лет эту коробку не открывали.

13. The article is still being translated. = Статью все еще переводят.

14. A new metro line will be constructed in our town next year. = В будущем году в нашем городе будет построена новая линия метро.

15. The excursion has well been organized. = Экскурсия была хорошо организована.

16. His granny was taken to hospital last Saturday. = В прошлое воскресенье его бабушку положили в больницу.

17. The Tower of London was formerly used as a prison. = Лондонский Тауэр раньше использовали, как тюрьму.

18. A new rule is being explained now. = Сейчас объясняют новое правило.

19. Her book will be published next month. = В будущем месяце ее книга будет опубликована.

20. Two of my dinner plates have been broken. = Разбились две моих обеденных тарелки.

21. These newspapers and journals are sold everywhere. = Эти газеты и журналы продаются везде.

22. The short story is being read aloud now. = Сейчас читают вслух этот рассказ.

23. A big battle was fought here 200 years ago.

24. Will she be met at the station tomorrow morning? = Ее встретят завтра утром на станции?

25. You have been invited to lunch tomorrow. = Вы приглашены на обед, который состоится завтра.

26. This play will be forgotten in a few years’ time. = Через несколько лет эту пьесу забудут.

27. The patient is being operated on at this moment. = Этого пациента сейчас оперируют.

28. The bridge was built last year. = Мост был построен в прошлом году.

29. My brother has never been beaten at tennis. = Моего брата никогда не побеждали в теннис.

30. English is spoken all over the world. = По всему миру говорят на английском языке.

31. Trees and flowers are being planted in the park now. = Сейчас в парке сажают деревья и цветы.

32. Were any questions asked about me? = Обо мне задавали какие-нибудь вопросы?

33. Your report will be discussed in two hours. = Через два часа будут обсуждать ваш доклад.

34. The children were punished for something they didn’t do. = Детей наказали за то, что они не совершали.

35. Milk are used for making butter and cheese. = Молого используют, чтобы сделать масло и сыр.

36. The floor is being washed in the classroom now. = В классе сейчас моют пол.

37. His lectures will be listened to with great interest. = Его лекции будут слушать с большим интересом.

38. You are wanted to help lay the table. = Хотят, чтобы помогли накрыть на стол.

39. A pupil are always praised when he works hard. = Ученика всегда хвалят, когда он усердно работает.

40. The stolen car has been found in another town. = Украденную машину обнаружили в другом городе.