Тренировочные упражнения. Passive Voice. Начальный уровень. Elementary. Часть четвертая

Оглавление —> Страдательный залог

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени страдательного(пассивного) залога.

1. Many folk songs ( to use) by Chaikovsky in his compositions.

2. I do hope that I ( not to refuse) a visa by the Embassy.

3. My patience already ( to exhaust) by my son’s behaviour.

4. Why these cups ( to put) here in this cupboard?

5. Today my brother ( to fine) for crossing the street in the wrong place.

6. You ( to examine) this morning?

7. This mountain never ( to climb) before.

8. The invitations already ( to sent) to all the guests?

9. The printing press ( to invent) in the fifteenth century.

10. Which article ( to translate ) by this student now?

11. The children ( to taught) drawing at the moment.

12. Gold (to mine) in mines.

13. This name often (to mention) at the meeting yesterday.

14. It is dark in the room , but the light (not to turn on) yet.

15. Last night we ( to invite) to the restaurant by our friends from France.

16. Italy and France (to visit) by millions of tourists every year.

17. This dress already ( to wash)?

18. The bear ( to attack) by the bees when it tried to take their honey.

19. In which year Russia ( to invade) by Napoleon?

20. In 1666, a large part of London ( to destroy) by fire.

21. Listen carefully, a new grammar rule ( to explain).

22. Who ( to examined) by the doctor now?

23. The menu in our bar (to change) every week.

24. Nowadays oil (to transport) in large ships.

25. These rasberries are fresh; they ( to pick up) today.

26. The documents for my business trip still ( to prepare) now?

27. Nothing ( to hear) of him since he left the country six years ago.

28. Today rugby football ( to play) in many countries.

29. Last Friday one of our teams ( to send off) the field for rough play.

30. Many people ( to kill) in road accidents every year.

31. This type of TV sets ( to produce) in japan.

32. The United Nations Organization ( to found) in 1945.

33. Far more money ( to spend) on food now than ten years ago.

34. The little girl ( to save) from being run over because she ( pull) away in time by a policeman.

35. The fire of London, as it ( to call) in the history books, ( to commemorate) by a monument, which ( to build) near where the fire started.

36. Three hundred new houses ( to build) by the end of the next year.

37. Very much research ( to do) now to prevent our rivers and lakes from being polluted.

38. He has already read the book that ( to give) him on his retirement.

39. When I returned I found that my car ( tow) away . I ( to tell) it was because it ( to park) under a No-Parking sign.

40. Why the cups ( to left) on the table?

Я раскрою скобки, поставлю глаголы в нужное время в страдательном( пассивном) залоге и переведу предложения на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. Many folk songs were used by Chaikovsky in his compositions. = Много народных песен было использовано Чайковским в его произведениях.

2. I do hope I won’t be refused a visa by the Embassy. = Я очень надеюсь , что мне не будет отказано посольством в визе.

3. My patience has already been exhausted by my son’s behaviour. = Мое терпение уже исчерпано поведением моего сына.

4. Why have these cups been put here in the cupboard? = Почему эти чашки поставили сюда в шкаф?

5. Today my brother has been fined for crossing the street in the wrong place. = Сегодня мой брат был оштрафован за переход улицы в неположенном месте.

6. Have you been examined this morning? = Вас уже проэкзаменовали сегодня утром?

7. This mountain has never been climbed before. = На эту гору прежде не забирались.

8. Have the invitations been sent to all the guests? = Разосланы ли приглашения всем гостям?

9. The printing press was invented in the fifteenth century. = Печатный станок был изобретен в пятнадцатом столетии.

10. Which article is being translated by this student now? = Которая статья сейчас переводится этим студентом?

11. The children are being taught drawing at the moment. = Детей сейчас учат рисовать.

12. Gold is mined in mines. = Золото добывают на приисках.

13. This name was often mentioned at the meeting yesterday. = Вчера на собрании часто упоминали это имя.

14. It is dark in the room, but the light hasn’t been turned on yet. = В комнате темно, но свет еще не включили.

15. Last night we were invited to the restaurant by our friends from France. = Вчера вечером мы были приглашены нашими друзьями из Франции в ресторан.

16. Italy and France are visited by millions of tourists every year. = Каждый год Италия и Франция посещается миллионами туристов.

17. Has this dress already been washed? = Это платье уже выстирано?

18. The bear was attacked by the bees when it tried to take their honey. = Медведя атаковали пчелы, когда он попытался забрать у них мед.

19. In which year was Russia invaded by Napoleon? = В каком году Россия была захвачена Наполеоном?

20. In 1666 , a large part of London was destroyed by fire. = В 1666 году большая часть Лондона была разрушена пожаром.

21. Listen carefully, a new grammar rule is being explained. = Внимательно слушай, объясняют новое грамматическое правило.

22. Who is being examined by the doctor now? = Кого сейчас осматривает доктор?

23. The menu in our bar is changed every week. = Меню нашего бара меняется каждую неделю.

24. Nowadays oil is transported in large ships. = В наши дни нефть перевозится большими кораблями.

25. These raspberries are very fresh; they have been picked up today. = Эта малина очень свежая; ее собрали только сегодня.

27. Nothing has been heard of him since he left the cointry six years ago. = О нем ничего не было слышно с тех пор, как он уехал из страны шесть лет назад.

28. Today rugby football is played in many countries. = Сегодня в регби играют во многих странах.

29. Last Friday one of our teams was send off the field for rough play. = Прошлую пятницу одна из наших команд была удалена с поля за грубую игру.

30. Many people are killed in road accidents every year. = Каждый год в дорожных авариях гибнут множество людей.

31. This type of TV sets is produced in Japan. = Эта марка телевизоров выпускается в Японии.

32. The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. = Организация Объединенных Наций была основана в 1945 году.

33. Far more money is spent on food now than ten years ago. = На еду сейчас тратят намного больше денег, чем десять лет назад.

34. The little girl was saved from being run over because she was pulled away in time by a policeman. = Маленькая девочка была спасена от столкновения с транспортом потому, что ее вовремя оттащил полицейский.

35. The fire of London , as it is called in the history books , was commemorated by a monument , which was build near where the fire started. = Пожар в Лондоне, как его называют в книгах по истории, был увековечен в памятнике, который был построен около места возникновения пожара.

36. Three hundred new houses will be built by the end of the next year. = Три сотни новых домов будет выстроено к концу будущего года.

37. Very much research is being done now to prevent our river and lakes from being polluted. = Сейчас проводится много исследований для того, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение рек и озер.

38. He has already read the book that was given him on his retirement. = Он уже прочитал книгу, которую ему подарили по случаю его ухода на пенсию.

39. When I returned I found that my car had been towed away. I was told it was because it had been parked under a No –Parking sign. = Когда я вернулся, я обнаружил, что моя машина была отбуксирована. Мне сказали, она была припаркована в неположенном месте.

40. Why have the cups been left on the table? = Почему чашки оставлены на столе?