Тренировочные упражнения. Passive Voice. Средний уровень. Intermediate. Часть четвертая

Оглавление —> Страдательный залог

Определить в каком залоге — действительном или страдательном следует переводить предложение и еще при этом не забывать о грамматическом времени, для некоторых учащихся является не такой уж и простой задачей. Начинать надо с английских предложений.

Раскройте скобки в следующих предложениях и поставьте их в действительный или страдательный залог в нужном времени.

1. The boys should (to punish) for being rude at the lesson yesterday.

2. John (to leave) his native town many years ago and since nobody ( to see) him there.

3. A note (to bring in), addressed to Ann, and (to put on) a table to await her.

4. I just ( to send) him a message. I think he ( to get) it soon.

5. When the door (to close), old Jolion ( to drop) his paper and ( to stare ) long and anxiously in front of him.

6. The answer to this question can ( to found) in the encyclopedia.

7. We ( to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation all the day.

8. It was warm outside and the guests ( to invite) to the garden.

9. They ( to discuss) this matter for the whole hour.

10. There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people (to see) it, including my friend, who (interview) by the police.

11. Budapest ( to divide) into two parts by the Danube river: Buda and Pest.

12. Finally his name (to call) and the boy (to push) forward to the director of the school.

13. An old woman ( to treat) the children some ice-cream.

14. At dinner nothing ( to discuss) but the latest news.

15. A sudden increase in water pressure ( to break) the dam this morning.

16. “Will you work on this new job all your life?” The question ( to ask) with sincere interest.

17. All the rooms already (to sweep), (to mop) and (to dust).

18. My brother is so good at tennis nobody ( to beat) him yet.

19. A new teacher ( to wait) for when the director came into the teachers’ room

20. People generally assume that money ( to bring) happiness.

21. Mary ( to come) to inform them that dinner already (to serve).

22. He already (to solve) his problems.

23. His phrase (to greet) by a loud laugh from a student who ( to sit) near the wall.

24. Yesterday the wind ( to blow) my hat off my head. I had to ( to chase) it down the street.

25. Ann ( to shake) by the incredible change of his tone.

26. A huge wave ( to overturn) the little boat.

27. The house ( to look after) with scrupulous care by others, for Lennie ( to be) incapable to attending to it herself.

28. Nobody ever ( to speak) to me like that before.

29. At the very second the beautiful music she ( to listen) to ( to listen) by everyone who ( to be) here.

30. For the few first minutes he ( to occupy) with eating; then as his appetite ( to quiet), he ( to take) his time.

31. John ( to know) he ( to hide) by darkness and the massive foliage. She ( to tap) on the door. Jerry ( to open) it.

32. Finally he ( to persuade) by his mother to go away.

33. The children ( to eat) up all the buscuits yesterday.

34. To his knowing eyes the scene below easily ( to explain).

35. From the clink of dishes one could tell that supper ( to prepare).

36. My granny ( to give) me a box of chocolates for my birthday.

37. While the supper (eat) Sebastian (to offer) a suggestion to go there immediately.

38. When the phone ( to ring) , I (to reach) for the phone, and ( to tell) I ( to call) from London.

39. Poverty ( to drive) him to desperation.

40. The fire ( to destroy) many valuable paintings.

Я раскрою скобки и поставлю глаголы в действительный или страдательный залог, переведу предложения на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. The boys should be punished for being rude at the lesson yesterday. = Мальчиков следует наказать за из грубое поведение на уроке вчера.

2. John left his native town many years ago and since nobody has seen him there. = Джон уехал из родного города в прошлом году и с тех пор никто его там не видел.

3. A note was brought in, addressed to Ann, and was put on a table to await her. = Принесли записку, адресованную Анне , и оставили на столе дожидаться.

4. I have just sent him a message. I think he will get it soon. = Я только что послал ему сообщение. Думаю, что вскоре он его получит.

5. When the door was closed, old Jolion dropped his paper and was stared long and anxiously in front of him. = Когда двери закрыли, старый Джолион уронил газету и долго с тревогой смотрел перед собой.

6. The answer to this question can be found in the encyclopedia. = Ответ на этот вопрос можно найти в энциклопедии.

7. We were showing the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation all the day. = Мы весь день показывали делегации исторические памятники столицы.

8. It was warm outside and the guests were invited to the garden. = На улице было тепло и гостей пригласили в сад.

9. They have been discussing this matter for the whole hour. = Они целый час обсуждают этот вопрос.

10. There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people saw it, including my friend, who was interviewed by the police. = Вчера на оживленной городской улице была ужасная авария. Десятки людей видели ее , и том числе и мой друг, которого опросила полиция.

11. Budapest is divided into two part by the Danube river: Buda and Pest. = Будапешт разделен рекой Дунай на две части: Буда и Пешт.

12. Finally his name was called and the boy was pushed forward to the director of the school. = Наконец было названо его имя и мальчика подтолкнули вперед к директору школы.

13. An old woman has treated the children some ice-cream. = Старушка угостила детей мороженым.

14. At dinner nothing was discussed but the latest news. = За обедом обсуждали только последние новости.

15. A sudden increase in water pressure broke the dam this morning. = Внезапное увеличение водяного напора сегодня прорвало дамбу.

16. ”Will you work on this new job all your life?” The question was asked with sincere interest. = “Ты хочешь работать на этой новом месте всю свою жизнь?” Этот вопрос был задан с искренним интересом.

17. All the rooms have already been swept, mopped and dusted. = Все комнаты были уже подметены, полы протерты и пыль вытерта.

18. My brother is so good at tennis nobody has beaten him yet. = Мой брат — хороший игрок в теннис и никто еще у него не выиграл.

19. A new teacher was being waited for when the director came into the teachers’ room. = Ожидали нового учителя, когда директор вошел в учительскую.

20. People generally assume that money brings happiness. = Люди, в основном, полагают, что деньги приносят счастье.

21. Mary came to inform them that dinner had already been served. = Мария пришла им сказать, что обед уже подан.

22. He has already solved his problems. = Он уже решил свои проблемы.

23. His phrase was greeted by a loud laugh from a student who sat near the wall. = Его фразы была встречена громким смехом, которое донеслось от студента, который сидел у стены.

24. Yesterday the wind blew my hat off my head. I had to chase it down the street. = Вчера ветер сдул мою шляпу. Мне пришлось гоняться за ней по улице.

25. Ann was shaken by the incredible change of his tone. = Анна была потрясена невероятной переменой в его голосе.

26. A huge wave overturned the little boat. = Громадная волна перевернула маленькую лодку.

27. The house was looked after with scrupulous care by others, for Lennie was incapable to attending to it herself. = За домом тщательно ухаживали , так как Ленни не была способна заниматься им сама.

28. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before. = Никто никогда со мной раньше так не говорил.

29. At the very second the beautiful music she listened to was being listened by everyone who was here. = В эту самую секунду прекрасная музыка, которую она слушала, была слышна всем, кто там был.

30. For the few first minutes he was occupied with the eating; then as his appetite was quieted , he took his time. = Первые несколько минут он был поглощен едой, потом, когда он утолил голод, он начал действовать не спеша.

31. John knew he was hidden by darkness and the massive foliage. She tapped on the door. Jerry opened it. = Джон знал, что его надежно прятала темнота и густая листва.

32. Finally he was persuaded by his mother to go away. = В конце концов его уговорила мать уехать.

33. The children ate up all the biscuits yesterday. Вчера дети съели все печенье.

34. To his knowing eyes the scene below was easily explained. = Для ее проницательных глаз, сцена , которая происходила внизу была понятна.

35. From the clink of dishes one could tell that supper was being prepared. = По звяканью тарелок было ясно, что готовился ужин.

36. My granny gave me a box of chocolate for my birthday. = Моя бабушка подарила мне на день рождения коробку шоколада.

37. While the supper was being eaten Sebastian offered a suggestion to go there immediately. = Пока ели ужин, Себастьян предложил ехать туда немедленно.

38. When the telephone rang, I reached for the phone, and I was told I was being called from London. = Когда зазвонил телефон, я взял трубку, и мне сказали что звонят из Лондона.

39. Poverty drove him to desperation. = Бедность довела его до отчаяния.

40. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings. = Огонь повредил много ценных картин.