Тренировочные упражнения. Passive Voice. Начальный уровень. Elementary. Часть пятая

Оглавление —> Страдательный залог

Чтобы хорошо разобраться в страдательном залоге надо изрядно потренироваться “переделывать” предложения, написанные в действительном ( активном) залоге в страдательный ( пассивный) залог. Некоторые предложения вообще невозможно преобразовать в страдательный залог и это понятно, почему.

Но стоит попробовать сделать обратное преобразование. Итак,преобразуйте следующие предложения в страдательном ( пассивном) залоге в действительный (активный) залог.

1. When I came into the garage the bicycle was being repaired by my father.

2. Last week my brother worked hard at this project and he was very exhausted.

3. The managers of our office are trying to reach the agreement at the moment. Will the agreement have been reached by tomorrow?

4. She said that her purse had been stolen by someone.

5. We were sitting and waiting for our friends in the garden. At last their steps was heard.

6. Ann said that the fish had been eaten by her cat.

7. My friend John is well spoken of.

8. I haven’t found my textbook. I think it has been taken by somebody.

9. Who has been invited to the party by Nick?

10. The students were told to wait outside.

11. Where were all the books left by my friend Ann yesterday?

12. Listen carefully! A new grammar rule is being explained by our teacher at the moment.

13. Has the dog already been taken for a walk?

14. I was promised a new computer by my parents.

15. When can the work be finished by Mary?

16. John and Nick are waiting for a taxi. The tickets have already been booked and the things have been packed.

17. Our marks will be announced at the lesson tomorrow.

18. We asked where our luggage could be put.

19. When we went into the Zoo the animals were being fed.

20. The children aren’t allowed to come home late by their parents.

21. A lot of trees and flowers were planted by the pupils near their school yesterday.

22. When my granny was ill, this medicine was prescribed her .

23. We have known John for many years but his behaviour couldn’t be understood yesterday.

24. I do hope my mistake will be forgiven by my parents.

25. This man hasn’t been found by the police yet.

26. Are they ready with the parcel? — No, it’s still being packed.

27. Ann said that the wrong number had been given to her.

28. I’ll have to stay at home. My car is being repaired now.

29. I think the wrong decision was taken by James.

30. Which rule was being explained when you went into the classroom?

31. Is anybody being consulted by the doctor at the moment?

32. They found out that the documents had been copied.

33. His honesty was acknowledged by all.

34. The article is being typed at the moment

35. He said that the bill had already been paid.

36. A new shop will soon be built near my house.

37. She looked a different girl. Her face was washed, her hair was combed. All traces of tears was removed.

38. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I was being watched.

39. Has Mary washed the floor? — Not yet. It is still being washed.

40. He was disturbed by the noise coming from the room next to his. He was sure some experiments were being made there.

Я преобразую глаголы в страдательном залоге в действительный залог и переведу предложения на русский язык, чтобы вы могли себя проверить.

1. When I came into garage my father was repairing the bicycle. = Когда я вошел в гараж, мой отец чинил велосипед.

2. Hard work at the project exhausted my brother very much last work. = На прошлой неделе тяжелая работа над проектом очень утомила моего брата.

3. The managers of our office are trying to reach the agreement at the moment. Will they have reached the agreement by tomorrow? = Управляющие нашего офиса сейчас пытаются прийти к соглашению. Достигнут ли они соглашения к завтрашнему дню?

4. She said that someone had stolen her purse. = Она сказала, что кто-то украл ее кошелек.

5. We were sitting and waiting for our friends in the garden. At last we heard their steps. = Мы сидели и ждали наших друзей в саду. Наконец мы услышали их шаги.

6. Ann said that her cat had eaten the fish. = Анна сказала, что ее кот съел рыбу.

7. People speak well of my friend John. = Люди хорошо отзываются о моем друге Джоне.

8. I haven’t found my textbook. I think somebody has taken it. = Я не нашел свой учебник. Полагаю, что кто-то его взял.

9. Who has Nick invited to the party? = Кого Ник пригласил на вечеринку7

10. Someone told the students to wait outside. = Кто-то велел студентам подождать снаружи.

11. Where did my friend Ann leave all the books yesterday? = Где моя подруга Анна оставила вчера все книги?

12. Listen carefully! Our teacher is explaining a new grammar rule at the moment. = Слушай внимательно ! Наш учитель объясняет новое грамматическое правило.

13. Has anybody taken the dog for a walk? = Кто-нибудь выводил собаку погулять?

14. My parents promised me a new computer. = Мои родители обещали мне новый компьютер.

15. When can Mary finish the work? = Когда Мария сможет закончить работу?

16. John and Nick are waiting for a taxi. They have already booked tickets and packed the things. = Джон и Ник ждут сейчас такси. Они уже заказали билеты и упаковали вещи.

17. The teachers will announce our marks at the lessons tomorrow. = Завтра учителя объявят наши отметки.

18. We asked where we could put our luggage. = Мы спросили, куда мы можем поставить наш багаж.

19. When we went into the Zoo they were feeding the animals. = Когда мы пришли в зоопарк, они кормили животных.

20. The parents don’t allow their children to come home late. = Родители не разрешают своим детям приходить домой поздно.

21. The pupils planted a lot of trees and flowers near their school yesterday. = Вчера ученики посадили много деревьев и цветов около своей школы.

22. When my granny was ill the doctor prescribed her this medicine . = Когда моя бабушка болела, врач прописал ей это лекарство.

23. We have known John for many years but we couldn’t understand his behaviour yesterday. = Мы знаем Джона уже много лет, но мы вчера не могли понять его поведение.

24. I do hope my parents will forgive my mistake. = Я очень надеюсь, что родители простят мне мою ошибку.

25. The police haven’t found this man yet. = Полиция еще не нашла этого человека.

26. Are they ready with the parcel? -No, they are still packing it. = Они уже приготовили посылку? — Нет, они ее еще упаковывают.

27. Ann said that somebody had given her the wrong number. = Анна сказала, что кто-то дал ей неправильный номер.

28. I’ll have to stay at home. They are repairing my car now. = Мне придется остаться дома.Они сейчас ремонтируют мою машину.

29. I think James took the wrong decision. = Думаю, что Джеймс принял неправильное решение.

30. Which rule was the teacher explaining when you went into the classroom? = Какое правило объяснял учитель, когда вы вошли в класс?

31. Is the doctor consulting anybody at the moment? = Сейчас доктор кого-то консультирует?

32. They found out that somebody had copied the documents. = Они выяснили , что документы кто-то скопировал.

33. All acknowledged his honesty. = Все признали его честность.

34. The typist is typing the article at the moment. = Машинистка сейчас печатает эту статью.

35. He said that he had already paid the bill. = Он сказал, что он уже оплатил счет.

36. Somebody will soon build a new shop near my house. = Кто-то построит новый магазин около моего дома.

37. She looked a different girl. She washed his face, combed her hair. She removed all traces of tears. = Она выглядела совсем по-другому. Она умылась, причесалась. Она стерла с лица следы слез.

38. I had a most unpleasant feeling that somebody was watching me. = У меня было очень неприятное чувство, что за мной кто-то следит.

39. Has Mary washed the floor? Not yet. She is still washing it. = Мария уже вымыла пол? Нет, она его еще моет.

40. He was disturbed by the noise coming from the room next to his. He was sure somebody was making some experiments there. = Ему мешал шум, который доносился из соседней комнаты. Он был уверен, что кто-то делает там опыты.